Research Evidence for Behavioural Optometry

Vision and Learning

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 Mitchell Scheiman* OD PhD, (2018) Effect of treatment of symptomatic convergence insufficiency on reading in children: a pilot study. Clin Exp Optom 2018; 101: 585–593 DOI:10.1111/cxo.12682

 Elisabeth Moores (2011) Adults with dyslexia exhibit large effects of crowding, increased dependence on cues, and detrimental effects of distractors in visual search tasks. Neuropsychologia 49 (2011) 3881–3890

 Simone Gori (2015) How the visual aspects can be crucial in reading acquisition:

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Eye Focussing / Eye Teaming Skills 

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Scheiman M et al. Treatment of accommodative insufficiency in children:results from a randomized clinical trial. Optom Vis Sci. 2011 Nov;88(11):1343-52


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 Razuk M, (2018) Effect of colored filters on reading capabilities in

dyslexic children. Res Dev Disabil. 2018 Dec;83:1-7. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2018.07.006. Epub 2018 Jul 23.

 Genís Cardona, (2009) A placebo-controlled trial of tinted lenses in adolescents

with good and poor academic performance: reading accuracy

and speed. J Optom. 2010;3(2):94-101


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